Saturday, June 9, 2012

how much does the dunya own you?

"Telah semakin dekat kepada manusia perhitungan amal mereka, sedang mereka dalam keadaan lalai (dengan dunia), berpaling (dari akhirat)." 21:1

The dunya is amazing. What it offers us is inevitable. Yesterday I bought a dress, the other day Ibu bought me a bag and a purse. I really really really much in love with those stuff because they are pretty! And they make me feel pretty! I even sleep hugging them hohohoho. And today I cleaned my closet because that's what a bibik does. Looking at those plenty clothes I have, I feel like falling in love... 

You see, pretty clothes and accessories make me happy. I know that's normal. It is actually, until that one point I'm close to loving too much. I realise that the new stuff I just bought will end like the old stuff I just threw away today. Unneeded and unwanted (and maybe, I hope not, unfitted T.T) . So, this love I have to my belongings isn't going to be permanent, it will fade away one day. Worst, many don't realise this, but this kind of love belongs to not only clothes, but the dunya as a whole. We are too attached to the dunya that the attachment itself is felt as if it's normal. It is not.

"Dan kehidupan dunia ini, hanyalah permainan dan senda gurau. Sedangkan negeri akhirat itu, sungguh lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. Tidakkah kamu mengerti?" 6:32

The similar basis of game and joy is that both don't last long. The player will either win or lose and the one who laughs will stop laughing because nafas tak cukup. Another similarity is that both make you happy during the period of playing and laughing. But again back to the first basis, they are not meant for ever. 

Islam does not forbid anyone to own anything from the dunya. It is to forbid the dunya from owning us. [quoted] Beautiful faces, stunning dresses, amazing cars; these are a form of attraction of the dunya. Strong or not, it does not depend on how beautiful, stunning or amazing they are, but instead how strong we are to hold ourselves back from them. This kind of strength, however, isn't easy to gain. You know why? Because low state of imaan cannot afford the price of Jannah. 

"Sesungguhnya Allah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, baik diri mahupun hata mereka dengan memberikan syurga untuk mereka ..." 9:111

Wallahu'alam bissawab.

Ps/ Stalking has suddenly became a big issue in my life lately haha. The thing is, I don't mind being stalked chewah, I only mind if you admit that you actually do! Sewiyus maluwww awwww. After all, a true stalker is like a ninja; secretly present without anyone knowing ;P

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