Saturday, February 23, 2013

"why I hate religion, love Jesus"


Comparative religion is an engrossing subject to those who search for something. Most of the cases, is in the search of truth. And we Muslims search too; knowledge and tighter grip of the truth. We are indeed obliged to continue searching on and on throughout our whole life until the brain does not receive any oxygen for more than a minute. (Read: hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy or death)

Today, I went to search in youtube and found this.

This is one of the best videos of interfaith subject I watched so far. It is clear and profoundly factual to believe every point said.

But my searching didn't end there. I figured out this issue actually started in different way.

Just as it started to become more exciting, it became much much more as I found these as response videos.

I honestly haven't had any thought of the differences between religion and Jesus before. To be honest again, I actually do not fully understand the last 3 videos except its atheistic viewpoints and church's social roles. I understand how important are the church for the Christians and that religion is a part Jesus' mission on the earth. But then I wonder…

Have they watched the muslim version video? What would they response be? 

I wish to waittttt hihihi I just loooveeee debateeeeeeeeeee tho I am strictly NOT a debater. 

Go back to book now, Sya. Wassalam.

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