Thursday, February 7, 2013

dosa kaki


I really like badminton. I like playing it, watching it and berlagak pandai main. I'm not good at it. Its just that for a kaki bangku like me, badminton pun dah cukup cool kot. I still remember the first time I played it here in uni gym, I literally cried when I was bullied by people around. Dah lah laki pulak tu. But I didn't cry cos of them tho, I cried because I really miss playing badminton with Abah, Angah, Abanteh, Abalang, Anep at home. Homesickness came during badminton session, weird enough? No? Haha.

I played badminton last night. It was fun. Even though I lost over seniors, alah seniors fifth year kottt, but it was fun! Until my calcaneofibular ligament sprained.

I had an over inversion of my left foot while playing (actually, walking), so I think the lateral ligament got overstretched since the area around ankle has actually swollen since last night. See picture above, you'll understand better!

But there's one more possibility though.

It could be due to overextension of the tendon. I think it would be the peroneus brevis tendon since it is an evertor muscle and I can't evert my foot now. It is currently inverted more than normal, so, perhaps there's a minor damage to the tendon as well.

But then I also feel a slight sore at the anterior part of foot when I try to put my foot on the ground. It is around the tibialis anterior tendon, can you see? But it's not swollen tho. It just hurts when I try to dorsiflex my foot. But, I think, the possibility of this tendon to be damaged is quite low. Nahh I don't think so. Saje nak tambah possibility.

All in all, this is just a medical poyo way to tell that I have an ankle injury. Hehehehehehehhe. I went to the health unit already and apparently, nothing is wrong alhamdulillah. Learning Anatomy is super tough but the value of knowledge we gain is priceless alhamdulillah 2. 

ps/ Here's the full interesting video of it (or at least to me):


1 comment:

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