Saturday, September 15, 2012

first class in university duniawi gituw


"You can start your group discussion now." - Lecturer.

Then the 5 minutes of invisible mode passed like ages. I never actually felt as left out in any discussion I had in life. My opinions were always be heard, maybe not accepted (most of the time tak ponnn) but people listened. Or at least, they can SEE ME. 

But not yesterday; the very first class of medical degree for my group, Group A9, subject, MD139 Medical Professionalism 1.

I suddenly couldn't talk very well in English since day 1. Added with their thick accents, I still can't understand easily neither. But I can think though. Since the discussion or subject itself is a bit TOK-ish, I had few ideas in mind to throw which I was very confident would sound smart since TOK pun subject yang smart kannn. So I spoke out

"By the way, don't you think.."


"I mean, is it that.."


"Well, I still think.."


They didn't listen. Not even look at me. Yalah, maybe because they couldn't see me, so why the ketam they would want to listen to the unseen kan?????!!!!

Tenang, Sya, tenang....

Ehem, so what I mean to say is that, the first days of uni weren't a good story to tell my friends or juniors about. They can be good, if and only if, I decide to look at the bright side. Hey, I come here to study medicine; a tough course, I know that yet should also be reminded at times. Schools, KMB, or even kindergarten weren't not a piece of cake all the time, so why should I expect cheese cake this time for a medical degree in overseas university which had almost one third of students failed in first semester  exam last year? 


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Allahuma rabbi yaasir wala tu'aseer. Ameen.