Saturday, September 15, 2012

chill people chill

I remember asking Sis Wardina's husband in a talk during a pre-departure programme,

"Is studying abroad overrated by everyone?"

He was studying in UK for architecture for 3 years and came back to Malaysia after. So, I, as a soon-to-be freshie was confused and unsure of my feelings going to overseas. Why is it everyone aiming for overseas university and look high upon overseas graduates. You know, people like "woahhhhhh" "fuyohhhhhh" "walaawwwehhhhh" when they know someone graduated from Yukey la Yu Es la Eiijip la. I used to be, or maybe still in that group of people but it was like a teen who wants a Mekbuk without actually knowing the high-tech features of it and so, end up wasting money on it as a mere overpriced Fesbuk and Twi-er machine.


Here I am, in a very cold morning that causes hypoventilationa , picturing my dry skin from face to toe with bloodshed platelet plug at both ends of my lips. Oh, the rain is heavier now. 

Good morning assalamualaikum, everyone! :D

*note: medical terms make stories more dramatic. I should really apply more of them lololololol.

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