Friday, February 4, 2011

coretan ikhlas

i'm writing this in tears.

mana ada. tipu saje *gaya Aliff Farhan (confirm tak baca ni) * im writing this because i know mood dah sampai mood dah sampai.

i would like to talk about acceptance. sebab tadi dah buat reflection dengan seseorang pasal topik ni, so senang nak elaborate sebab points dah ada. hehe. well, i hate to break this to you, but i am a girl with expressions and emotions. sometimes, any time, i can be the sweetest and the next second u find me the most evil of all. so, i know, and i always have been informing myself that it is never easy for people to understand me and accept me the way i am.

and the same goes for me. judgement is inevitable. tipu la kalau takde sape judge sape sape kan. macam kalau budak tu suka tidur, mesti kita fikir dia malas belajar kan. walhal dia geniusssssssssssssssssssss! *referring to Lydia Amira (lebiu)* but here's the thing

everyone is special in their own way.

you can judge as much and deep as you want, but do accept them for who they are. for all the nitrogenous bases in their DNA. you can't change that. maybe radiation can but not you. look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself would you want to be loved for who you are not? contohnya perempuan ini

poyo kan poyo kan. cuba kalau dia lagi poyo. pastu semua macam tak suka dia. pastu pulaukan dia. tacing kannn. pastu cane kalau dia tetibe jadi baik sangat. eh takde gambar, hehe. mesti dia rasa sedih kan? sebab dia tak dapat jadi diri dia yang sebenar.. dia macam mengurung ikan pari di dalam akuarium. kesian terseksa.

so the question would be, who would we choose to satisfy? the people or ourselves?

the answer is acceptance. (jangan lari tajuk sangat Sya) semua kena sedar diri. takde sape yang perfect kecuali nabi Muhammad SAW. teringat kakak usrah pernah cakap

"raikan kepelbagaian method dakwah"

insyaAllah masuk topik ni. maksudnya, cuba tengok sekeliling. kalau semua kaler pink mesti rasa loya kan, sebab tu ada macam macam kaler. TV3 pun ada tiga kaler. kan. happy tak banyak kaler? *happyyyy. sebab tu kita kena happy jugak orang sekeliling kita berbeza. ape salahnya dia suka Merc saya suka naik bas awam? betul tak? so pelajaran hari ni ye Rurorerni, rambut sama hitam, perut lain-lain. hehe.

gambar di atas adalah sponsor daripada Abanteh yang pemurah. jap, satu tu Kak Ngah punya, Along punya, saya punya. tapi semua still sponsor untuk saya dan saya sahaja.