Sunday, December 29, 2013

"I'm giving up on you"


I would love to tell you about the shoutings in house and cars, the loss of a friend that I trusted with my life through betrayal and the disappointment of being a side plan when the person always been in my master plan. 

I'd also love to tell you about Aslim and Naufal ran naked around the house because they didn't want to wear clothes after shower, the eye-opening moments I had in Twins of Faith I attended yesterday because they were so many people have waken up to Islam that ever I witnessed before and how mature my lil brother's girlfriend is because she sounds intellectual in her tweets heh. 

I would love to tell them all, to you. Each and every detail, to you.

If only you could just say something to me.

#np Say Something such a great great song, seriously.

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