Friday, March 15, 2013

daytime stories


"Aslim dengan Naufal tu ya Allah Yaaaa. Habis Nenek dibulinya tiap-tiap hari. Aslim dah pandai sebut banyak perkataan macam 'Aaatok', yang Naufal pulak macam tu jelah. Suap ape pun bukaaaakk jelah mulut dia. Mananya tak bulat."

"Ya waktu kecik punyelah melekat dengan Ibu sampai masuk dalam baju sebab Ya sejuk. Ya jadi macam kangaroo tau tak? Haha."

"Kelakar kan Abah. Abah Ya memang macam tu haha. Dari dulu lagi sejak Abah tergolek-golek nakkan Ibu dia memang macamtu."

These are the repeated stories which never bore me even for the thousandth time I listen to it everytime we skype. More than that, they never fail to remind me of who I am, of the person I always want to be to my family.

"Tengok ni Ya, Ibu beli baju baruuu cantik tak cantik takkk. Ha ni tadi Ibu beli aiskrim kat Giant, dah lama tak makan aiskrim hehehehehehehe."

While this, is one of the very rare unrepeated stories I would get to listen once in a blue moon :P

For He is Truly Undoubtedly The Most Gracious and Loving while I am a shamefully helpless soul

eh no no no, I am not homesick okay. I only miss that piece of happiness I left at my home that I sometimes forget, thus, I need to be reminded about it ;) 

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