Sunday, December 2, 2012

first event attended in the West


Galway is getting more awesome day by day. I'm getting more familiar with the weather, people, places and even the smell! I don't mind if it's ceruk kampung beruk takde dapat pegi mane but I have already liked it enough like home! But then, I had a short getaway from home to a foreign place.

I really like the UK. I never thought I would like it there this much but I really do. Here are some reasons why :D

I met new British-muslims friends, Nadia and Sadia from London. They were very nice and funny people with so-oh sexay British accent that when greeted me with 'assalamualaykum', they made it sound so perfect. But I like them more than that. They donated £5000 to the charity for poor children during the event. I don't know about you, but to me, that amount of money is enormous, it makes up about RM20k! Yet I also learn that the more you value money, the more you are attached to the dunya. Thank you for teaching me this, sisters. May Allah reward you better! 

 There was also gathering of Syakirahs :P introducing, Syakirah KA, Nik Syakirah AA and Syakirah A :D

Re-united with some KMB friends who are currently studying in the UK. Show off beg lettew.

And taraaaaa, this was the event. United for Change, Making the World a Better Place on 1st Dec in Logan Hall, London. I am so sorry that I'm bias towards Prof Dr Tariq Ramadan as I only took his photo, but he made so much sense that I wish I could pause the time during his speech. 

I still remember writing my first post on him, and how I was amazed with almost every sentence he made, but sorry, I won't be able to write on his speech (and the others' too). Maybe next time. I'm writing this simply because I truly treasure this 24-hours visit to London only and solely because of the atmosphere I experienced during the event.

Ergh. I feel like writing the content of their speeches now pulak. 

No, no, you have to study, Sya. You kena jadi pandai, bukan poyo jeee. 

Oh yea, by the way, I have sharpened my colour pencils ;)

Barangsiapa yang menuju jalan menuntut ilmu, Maka Allah permudahkan baginya jalan ke syurga.. 
(Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, abu daud dan Ibnu Majah, Tirmizi)


  1. perghh... untonglahh.. lain kali update pengisian pulak la eh... eh? aku kenal ketiga-tiga syakirah tersebut =D

  2. done! lolerz. ade banyak lagi pasnii. untung laaa dok UK, senang pegi.
