Saturday, October 30, 2010

it is funny

Kolej Mara Banting isn't as lopek as most people would think. It works the best in torturing minds and souls.

Tersekatnye saye di sini selama dua tahun akan menjadikan hidup lebih bermakna dengan tangisan dan jeritan pelajar-pelajar lain dalam mengharungi International Baccalaurate (IB). Dua tahun bukanlah tempoh yang sekejap, bahkan kita mampu menggunakan tempoh itu untuk mengharungi SPM bersama Excell9. Tah la. Tatau nak buat huraian ape dah.

Contoh penderaan mental yang pertama.

Test sentiase ade tiap-tiap minggu. Kalau boleh memang nak tiap-tiap hari. Quizzes pulak tiap-tiap subjek dalam setiap kelas. Yes, kami memang efficient.
Last week was the worst. Well, at least, for me. We had THREE tests; Chemistry, Malay and Maths, International Fair, vid-making, endless homeworks, pop quizzes (banyak sangat sampai tak hengat). Friday lepas yang terbaik. Maths was in the afternoon, right after Solat Jumaat. Malam sebelum tu siapkan homework Maths and Chemistry, so started revising at 12.30 a.m. Pastu tido pukul 1.30 a.m. hehe. Maka memang cam siput revise Maths time kelas. Dengan terbaiknya homework Maths tu tak masuk pun test petang tu. Takpe. Terima qada' and qadar tu. Time Chemistry pun kedua terbaik, belajar benda baru yang memutarbelitkan otak yang dah tersembelit. Kemudian tibalah the most awaited subject, Biology!

Ade pop-quiz. Cis.

To make it short, Math test wasn't going well. I took a deep breath. Relieved that I survived the week. But well, this is not the idea of my post. The idea is that;

"Di setiap kesusahan ada kemudahan"
1-8, Al Insyirah.

In the car way back home, Kak Ngah was saying "Eh sejukkan minggu ni." Then I see something I barely realized for the whole week. It was raining nights and mornings. You see, saye memang suke sangat bau rumput segar pagi pagi. Bukan sebab saye kambing, tapi bau die memang best. Now I know Allah gives me nikmat yang saye terkelip dua-dua belah mata tak nampak sebab sebok sangat stress. Perhaps it's a way Allah melapangkan dada hambaNya yang dalam kesusahan. Alhamdulillah :)

Betul tak, anakku?

yes. dah dapat post idea yang dipikirkan selama sebulan. wuho.

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